
Wahlprogramme im Vergleich

Kurzanalyse der Wahlprogramme der Parteien/Fraktionen im Europäischen Parlament

European People’s Party (Christian Democrats): (Manifesto_2024.pdf (epp.eu))
  • Economy: fully committed to the euro; competitiveness is crucial; refrain from tendencies towards over-regulation; further deepening the (digital) Single Market; launch a Competitiveness Strategy for Europe that will relaunch the spirit of entrepreneurship; level playing field for SMEs across the EU; establish an EU Competitiveness Check on every new EU policy initiative and a European Advisory Competitiveness Body for SMEs in particular; need to streamline the existing regulations; reduce old bureaucracy by introducing a “one in, two out” principle; European Commissioner solely responsible for SME issues and cutting red tape; introduce a “sunset clause” in EU legislation, where appropriate, so that a law ceases to exist unless further action is required; Commission should periodically check that existing pieces of legislation are not in contradiction with each other and are bringing a real European added value; pursue a forward-looking European industrial and competition policy that will allow the creation of European champions to compete at global level; define a “Made in Europe 2030” strategic plan following the example of the US; set up an ambitious common industrial policy; launching an investment plan for European quality jobs; increase the number of women-led start-ups in areas of technological innovation; improve the supply of fresh capital; completion of a Capital Markets Union and a Banking union; ensure fair working conditions throughout the EU, including providing a safe and healthy workplace; promote labour mobility with a European Social Security Pass by strengthening the European Labour Authority (ELA); set up a “Brain Gain” action plan for young people in the whole of Europe
  • Trade: need a boost in trade policy; trade with the entire world but also foster a special cooperation with like-minded partners in a Union of Democracies to remain competitive vis-à-vis dominant competitors such as China; no room should be left to dumping practices of third countries; intensify trade relations with Latin America and the Indo-Pacific region with new smart and fair trade agreements; open a new, more intensive trade partnership with Africa; de-risking strategy must advance further
  • Security and Defence: ramp up defence industrial base through more investments; create a Single Market for Defence; establishment of a dedicated EU defence budget within the MFF; strengthen anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing
  • Energy: encourage investments to integrate further the European electricity and gas market to ensure lower prices for European citizens and businesses; European Energy Union that will lead into a carbon-neutral and environmentally-friendly future; need a strong EU financial arm to back up net-zero industrial and green ambitions for Europe to be able to compete globally, and to make sure this economic transformation leaves no one behind; promote a common European resource strategy for future innovations, identifying the existing resources worldwide and using them in Europe while promoting diversification to avoid dependencies from third countries; developing the home market for clean-tech industries
  • Sustainability: keep supporting European industry throughout the green transition; use an Industry Strategy to look at the risks to and needs of each ecosystem in this transition; support every sector in building its business model for the decarbonisation of industry; must make climate policy go hand in hand with our economy and society; in favour of technological openness in the economy, energy and climate protection; want to further develop the Green Deal
  • Social Economy and New Work: fight for equal opportunities for women in the labour market; ensure that men and women receive equal pay for equal work; ensure quality jobs and fair wages across Europe and enhance collective bargaining; fight against precarious working conditions, both at national level and across borders to protect workers from illegal working practices; allow parents to find the right balance between their professional careers and family duties through greater use of teleworking
  • Digitalisation & AI: European companies are allocating a smaller proportion of their earnings to R&D than their North American counterparts; expanding a European digital network across Europe for 5G and 6G together with the Member States; EU must be a leading force in AI; ensure that AI lives up to ethical standards while supporting innovation and new technologies; establish a real innovation union for future technologies
  • Noteworthy quotes: “We reject a sprawling EU social bureaucracy.”; “Especially in times of digital, climate-neutral and demographic transformations, our social systems are already facing enormous challenges. They do not need too many regulations from Brussels but rather a flourishing and fair economy.”
Renew Europe (Liberals): (Priorities | Renew Europe Now)
  • Economy: EU has been losing its competitive edge compared to China and the US; the next Commission must be an “Investment Commission”, which focuses on investment in research, development, innovation and people; attract private investment to make Europe more competitive and sustainable and to attract talents; make life easier for SMEs; cut red tape; reduce energy dependencies; create more access to other markets; make trade fairer; economy needs fresh thinking and ambitious ideas to regain its competitive edge and to ensure the well-being of society
  • Security and Defence: in the next five years, focus should be on defence
  • Sustainability & Digitalisation: last five years were about setting up rules, now we need to focus on implementing them; complete the Digital Single Market
  • Values: want to build partnerships with like-minded countries for a Global Alliance of Democracies to strengthen the EU’s global influence
Socialists & Democrats: (2024_PES_Manifesto_EN.pdf)
  • (Social) Economy: promote the European model of social market economy; want an Investment Plan for the Green and Digital Transitions to create new jobs and to reindustrialise the economy; a “Made in Europe” Strategy and joint financing for projects of common interest in Europe; support a fair Single Market for goods and services, with clear state aid rules and a new approach to competition policy that levels the global playing field for European industries; strengthen Europe’s sovereignty by delivering security of supply in energy, raw materials, technologies, medicines and food through investments and international trade; say no to austerity; time for a permanent EU investment capacity; EU should support Member States against unemployment with a complementary unemployment reinsurance mechanism; social rights must take precedence over economic interests
  • Tax: Large corporations, big polluters and the ultra-rich must pay their fair share in Europe and around the world, through effective taxes on corporations, windfall profits, capital, financial transactions and the wealthiest individuals; make sure taxes are paid where profits are made (building on a Global Minimum Corporate Tax Rate); fight against tax fraud and tax havens
  • Employment/New Work: Roadmap for Quality Work and Well-paid Jobs; combat in-work poverty, close gender gaps by 2030, regulate AI, limit the pay gap between workers, reach zero deaths at work, ensure the right to disconnect, reduce working time, end labour exploitation and work-related crime, develop job guarantees at local level and add a Social Progress Protocol to the Treaties; fight for the full implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights; want a strengthened European Labour Authority; we support equipping workers with new skills, the right to training during paid working time, and new sustainable jobs; increase women’s employment in both quantity and quality and ensure a better work-life balance; strive for full youth employment; promote workers’ rights globally with a strong support to the International Labour Organization
  • Sustainability: implement a Green Deal with a red heart, allying social and ecological policies; invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency, to be climate neutral by 2050; strive for reform of the energy market to guarantee price stability and affordability, to modernise infrastructures and strengthen Europe’s strategic autonomy
European Greens: (1708539548-egp_manifesto-2024_courage-to-change.pdf (datocms-assets.com))
  • Economy: revise the arbitrary limits of the Maastricht Criteria and the Stability and Growth Pact; new wellbeing-based macroeconomic governance that prioritizes quality investment in public goods and the green transition over the outdated growth-at-any-cost paradigm; push for a Green and Social Transition Fund equivalent to at the very least 1% of EU GDP per year, mainly financed by joint borrowing at the EU level; include all banking sector activities in the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, so the banking sector is accountable for the human rights, environmental and climate impact of its investments
  • Tax: tax havens for the few have no place in Europe or anywhere; increase taxes on polluters and the ultra-rich; establish a minimum level for capital gains tax in the EU to rebalance the tax burden away from employees; close the loopholes in the OECD corporate minimum tax agreement and push EU member states to implement the agreement at a higher level; stop fraud and money laundering
  • Sustainability & Social: propose a major investment plan for Europe: the Green and Social Deal; invest in a clean European economy and rapidly reducing our dependence on fossil fuels strengthens our economy, resilience and security; push for more ambition and the full implementation of the Green Deal plans already set in motion; must achieve full climate neutrality by 2040 (quit coal by 2030); phasing out fossil energy by 2040
  • Employment and New Work: work towards well-paid safe jobs; fight to end in-work poverty; enable and protect fair mobility of workers across borders; equal pay for equal work and equal opportunities for all; introduce measures that reduce working time and improve work-life balance, including an EU Right to Disconnect, Right to Remote Work, and flexibility in working hours; support efforts to introduce a four-day working week; will not let workers be monitored by artificial intelligence-based surveillance tools; Universal and equal access to childcare; revision of the Work-Life Balance Directive and the Maternity Leave Directive to move Europe towards fully paid parental leave
Volt: (Volt_CampaignProgramme_ENG_V1.indd (volteuropa.org))
  • Economy and Tax: complete the Eurozone and Banking Union and enable a new European Finance Minister to propose the yearly budget; empower the EU to counter economic shocks with clear deficit rules, reform requirements, and stabilising investment tools; introduce a minimum corporate tax rate of 22% across Europe and ensure profits are taxed where they are made; Europeanise state aid to invest in value chains of strategic relevance to safeguard the internal market and competition between Member States
  • Trade: promote trade agreements that are based on sustainability and human rights to diversify Europe’s trade dependencies
  • Employment: enable remote workers to work across borders and give gig-economy and freelance workers the same protections as contract workers; standardised qualifications and skills recognition across the EU; establish a European Migration Code to set up speedy legal pathways to attract international talent at all wage and skill levels
  • Sustainability: commit to a climate neutral economy by 2040 and to a climate neutral energy sector by 2035; establish a Green Jobs Strategy for challenged regions by improving connectivity and infrastructure, supporting re-skilling, and working with companies and educational institutions in strategic industries; promote the total phase-out of coal by 2030 and stop issuing new permits to drill for fossil fuels