
Family Business Day

The Foundation for Family Businesses and Politics is the specialist authority for all questions related to family companies and the central contact partner for political leaders and the media. It regularly conducts events with business, scientific and political experts. The foundation’s most widely known event is Family Business Day, which was held in 2008 for the first time. It serves as a forum at which members of the business, scientific, political and media communities can discuss global develop-ments and technological advances. Family Business Day was organised by the Foundation for Family Businesses through 2021. In 2022, the Berlin-based Foundation for Family Businesses and Politics became the organiser and host of this traditional summit of the shareholders of major family businesses. A few images from the event:

Professor Rainer Kirchdörfer, a member of the Executive Board of the Foundation of Family Companies and Politics, at the opening address at German Family Business Day 2022.
Klaus Müller (Monitor), the President of the German Network Agency, talks with Professor Gabriel Felbermayr, Director of the Austrian Institute of Economic Re-search (second from right), Oliver Hermes, the CEO of the Wilo Group (second from left) and Dr Hinrich Mählmann, personally liable partner of Otto Fuchs KG (right). Moderation: Dr Ursula Weidenfeld Omid Nouripour, Co-Chairman of Alliance 90/The Greens Friedrich Merz, Chairman of the Christian Democratic Union Dr Volker Wissing, German Minister for Digital Affairs and Transport Dr Jörg Kukies, State Secretary in the Federal Chancellery

[row class="videorow"] [col class="col-md-12"] [video class="vjs-fluid" src="https://video.familienunternehmen.de/tag-fu/2022/playlist.m3u8" poster="https://video.familienunternehmen.de/tag-fu/2022/tag-des-deutschen-familienunternehmens-video-botschaft.jpg"]lade...[/video] [/col] [/row]

Video message on the occasion of Family Business Day

Professor Rainer Kirchdörfer stresses the important role that free trade plays in change, warns of the dangers of overregulation and calls for greater pragmatism in economic policy.


Roland Pichler

Roland Pichler

Head of the house of family business

The House of Family Businesses

Phone: +49 (0) 30 / 22 60 529 15
Fax: +49 (0) 30 / 22 60 529 29

E-Mail: pichler(at)familienunternehmen-politik.de